Andalyn Hall Wins First Place at FFA Science Fair

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On March 9th, 2012, SJHS students attended the State Future Farmers of America (FFA) convention in Richfield, Utah.  At the convention, the FFA had a science fair. All of the FFA members participated in the science fair, including Andalyn Hall, a ninth grader at Springville Junior High School.
Andalyn’s science fair project tested alpaca fibers (hair). She tested how alpaca fibers grow stronger or weaker over time and with age.  After much research and hard work, Andalyn presented her science project, and she won! She was up against ten students and took first out of her category. “She was happy!” said  Mrs. Giffing, the agricultural science teacher here at SJHS.

Bianca Trujillo, SJHS Staff Writer

Super Students Get Awarded at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Each month the Springville Junior High School faculty and staff selects six students, a boy and a girl from each grade, to be the Super Knights for that month. In February, Sam Graves and Sarah Clark were named the ninth-grade Super Knights, Wyatt LeFevre and Sarah Emmett were named the eighth-grade Super Knights, and Salvador Juarez and Alisa Boyer were named the seventh-grade Super Knights.  

Cassidy Bowers, SJHS Staff Writer

Playing Tarzan Songs in Band at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

If you ever walk into the band room at Springville Junior High School during first period,  you might hear the eighth-grade band playing a medley of songs from the Disney movie Tarzan.  Mr. David Booth, the band teacher at SJHS, said, “The eighth-grade band is doing a most excellent job on the Tarzan piece. It's a very exciting piece of music with a lot of percussion.” Some of the percussion consists of a snare drum, timpanis, a xylophone, and even a trash can. The band students seem to enjoy the piece.  Chase Kimball, a trombonist in the band, really likes the song. He said, “It’s a hard piece, but we’re handling it well.”        

Rachel Dockstader, SJHS Staff Writer

Pumpin’ up the Party!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

During dance class and Quest Time at SJHS, the hearts and bodies of kids have been racing, while playing “Just Dance” on the Wii! During Quest Time in Mrs. Maughan’s room (56), it’s a first come first serve rule, if you get there first you get to play first! Sometimes you don’t get to play, but it’s a fun atmosphere to be in.  Katie Johnson, eighth grader at SJHS said, “It really gets you moving in the middle of the day. It’s good to get energy out!” Mrs. Koriane Maughan, English and dance teacher at SJHS,said, “The Wii is a great game that allows everyone to dance without going to a  professional class.”                

Becca Dickinson, SJHS Staff Writer

High School Volleyball at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

High school volleyball has come to Springville Junior High School. According to Stacy Stapel, ninth grader here at SJHS, it’s a great feeling to be a part of the high school experience.  Cassie Buhler, eighth-grade student at SJHS, said, “Coach Snell is a little intimidating but overall a really great person.”  According to Cassie, she is scared but confident to play “like a beast.”        

Katherine Johnson, SJHS Staff Writer

The No Tardy Party

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On February 13th, 2012, students from Springville Junior High School had the chance to attend a field trip to the movie theater. The only way students would be able to go and enjoy this field trip is if they have not had any tardies for second term.

Ana Jimenez, a seventh grader at Springville Junior High School, said, “It’s a reward you have to earn.” You have to be on time to class if you want to go to the movie. Many students have gone and said they’ve enjoyed it. 

Bianca Trujillo, SJHS Staff Writer

Getting in the groove! SJHS gets a new Student Council

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

In January the council got a change. Stacy Stapel is president, Ethan Knowlton, Payton Acor, and Lindsay Johnson  are all vice presidents. They are here to make our school a better place. The council doesn’t meet very often, but they get the job done.  Mr. Trent Mikesell, assistant principal at SJHS, said, “They do a lot of hard work for the school and represent us well.”  To be a student council member you have to be responsible, attend all activities, and lead out certain activities and assemblies. “We get to plan all of the in-school activities for SJHS students,” Stacy said. 

Becca Dickinson, SJHS Staff Writer

Hope Squad Recognizes Students

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On Monday, March 5th, the HOPE Squad of Springville Junior High School came up with the idea of handing out HOPE Squad tickets to fellow students. “In our weekly HOPE Squad meetings, we discussed ways in which the HOPE Squad could interact with the students, and keep the momentum of the group’s purpose going, which is being a support to their peers,” said Mrs. Courtney Droz, the ninth grade counselor and HOPE Squad advisor. “We wanted to reward students who were doing good things that sometimes go unnoticed, things like being a good friend or a good citizen.”

Bianca Trujillo, SJHS Staff Writer

Students joining Friendship Groups

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Raymon Carol, a student that attended a Springville Junior High friendship group, is very interested in becoming a better person, and has many reasons why he had joined the friendship group. Friendship groups are all about getting to know other students and learning how to respect and help others out. According to Raymon, students should join the friendship groups, because you don’t just have lots of fun, but you also get to meet new people, get to know them, and get to learn how to be respectful and help others out. “I joined the friendship group because I wanted to learn more on how to respect others, and the counselors that had participated in this were so kind,” said Raymon.

Luanei Mulipola, SJHS Staff Writer