Students learn States and Capitals for U.S History Competition

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Each eighth grader in Mr. Greg Shields’s U.S History classes will memorize all 50 states and capitals. This year Mr. Shields has come up with a game to help students memorize them; it’s called Around the World. All the class periods have three people who are the fastest at saying the states, and they compete against the other three fastest people in the other classes.

Michelle Herrera, SJHS Staff Writer

PTA is Ready for the New School Year

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The PTA mission statement is: “Advocate-To support and speak on behalf of students. Involve - Encourage positive involvement in all facets of a child's life. Develop - Assist in developing skills to raise and protect children and youth.” The Springville Junior High PTA has been following this mission statement for many years now.

PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association, and they help with many school projects. Students can thank the PTA for many of the things they enjoy in this school. PTA helps with back to school activities, Red Ribbon Week, dances, SEOP’s, Teacher Appreciation, and much more.

Andalyn Hall, SJHS Staff Writer

New teacher at SJHS: Mr. Nelson

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The new school year at Springville Junior High brings new teachers to the school, one of which is Mr. Cole Nelson, a history, jogging, and body conditioning teacher.

Mr. Nelson was born in Burley, Idaho. He graduated from Burley High School and attended Brigham Young University, Provo. Mr. Nelson loves anything to do with sports, and his favorite sport is basketball.

This is his first year at SJHS. His classroom is room 84 out in the portables, but when he’s teaching jogging and body conditioning, his classes meet in room 29.

Mason Barnes, SJHS Staff Writer

A New Kind of Art at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The art classes will so release a surprise to the students of Springville Junior High. But it’s not just the art class; anyone can help. The more people that help, the sooner it will be done, and hanging on the wall.

Taylor Bennett, SJHS Staff Writer

New Artistic Opportunity at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Attention, attention! There is a new opportunity for all future artists at Springville Junior High! During Quest Time on Tuesdays, Mr. David Kindrick, the eighth and ninth-grade science teacher, is leading a new enrichment class called Logo Design.  According to Mr. Kindrick, logo design could be classified as graphic design; which is taking a concept and making it into a simple artistic representation of your idea. Students who go to Mr. Kindrick’s enrichment class will be using logo design to design the school t-shirt for next year.

Sarah Cheney, SJHS Staff Writer

Hard Hitting Football this Fall

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Football season has started again!!!  Here at Springville Junior High, many seventh and eighth graders take part in the community youth football program.  The two eighth grade teams are Quality Cleaner Vikings and the Ream’s Badgers.  The three seventh grade teams are the Rotary Mustangs, the Bona Signs Rams, and the S.O.S Bears. Games take place throughout September and at the first of October.  The eighth grade teams play Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings.  The seventh graders play on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings.

Andrew Creer, SJHS Staff Writer

Springville Junior High School Runs Like the Wind

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Who is in the park behind the Grant Building every day except Friday? Who is running as fast as they can? Who is having as much fun as they can?  Who goes to junior high schools in Nebo School District every Thursday to compete and have fun? Who needs students to join their team so that they can get enough players for a bus?  The Springville Junior High School cross country team, that’s who! 

Claire Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer

Kick Off the School Year with Choir

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Don’t be surprised if you walk past the choir room and hear melodic “Ha Ha’s.” Students are most likely warming up their voices. In fact, you may hear many interesting sounds coming from that room.

Choir students at SJHS are encouraged to join choir, a class where you learn teamwork, music terms, and how to sing beautifully in a group. Apprentice Singers (seventh grade) master the basics, while Knightingales (eighth grade girls), Journeymen (eighth grade boys), and Mastersingers (the ninth grade audition group) tackle more challenging stuff.

Amanda Ripley, SJHS Staff Writer

The Big Switch: New Seventh Graders at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The new school year has started, and the sixth graders from various elementary schools have entered into junior high. The halls are crowded, and there are lots of seventh graders, but what do they think about this new school? Chase Kimball, a seventh grader at SJHS, said, “It’s hard to adjust to hurrying around from class to class, but I like meeting all the new people.”

Melissa Jenson, SJHS Staff Writer

Quest Time: SJHS Quest to Excellence

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

A new program has arrived for the Springville Junior High Knights. At the start of a new school year everyone is buzzing about Quest Time. Quest Time is a program that the entire school participates in, and it has been implemented because of the hard work of a group of our teachers.  A major purpose of this program is fulfilling our responsibility as Springville Junior High Knights. According to Springville Junior High we are to become “Effective Communicators, Responsible Citizens and Successful Learners.” Quest Time gives students the opportunity to succeed.

Emilee Christensen, SJHS Staff Writer