School starts tomorrow! — ¡La escuela empieza mañana!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS students and parents,

It was wonderful to see so many of our students and parents yesterday afternoon at our open house! Thank you for coming to meet your teachers and look around. We have a couple last-day-of-summer announcements:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Open House (8/16/21) & Homeroom

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS students, parents, and guardians:

Our teachers have been back at school full-time for the last couple of days, and we are looking forward to seeing our students next week! I just wanted to send out a reminder about our Open House on Monday, August 16 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. All students and parents are invited to come meet teachers and see the school. There will not be a set schedule for the open house—all of our teachers will be in their classrooms for visits. We encourage any students new to Springville Junior High to come to the open house at 1:00 pm so they can find their way around with fewer people in the building. We will have maps of the school available.

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Summer Meals

Submitted by shauna.shepherd on


Please see the included attachments for information about free summer meals from the Utah Food Bank.

Consulte los archivos adjuntos incluidos para obtener información sobre las comidas gratuitas de verano del Utah Food Bank.

Message for 9th Grade Honors English Students

Submitted by tara.pina on

Hello, honors scholars!

We hope you are having a fantastic summer. It’s crazy to believe we only have a little more than a month left until school starts, but we are looking forward to working with you this fall! 

With that being said, you may have noticed that you never received an assignment for summer reading. That is because there is no required summer reading this year for 9th grade Honors English at Springville Junior. 

Bye Mrs. Beckstrand!

Submitted by tara.pina on

You all may know Mrs. Beckstrand as just a math teacher. But do you really know her? I don’t mean do you know her name and favorite color but do you know who she is? Like, what did she wanted to be when she grew up? Or, what would she do if she had $1 million? Well, I can give you answers to those questions! When she was little she had ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher or veterinarian. And if she had $1 million she would travel the world! Here’s what she would do if she had 3 wishes

“1. I would wish to always have 1$ more than Bill Gates.

Article written by: Gianna Furner , student reporter