Mrs. Weight and her stay at Springville Junior High

Submitted by tara.pina on

Mrs. Weight began her journey as a student teacher here at Springville Junior High.

I asked her to share her story and this is what she replied with, “ I have loved my time here at SJHS. I started as a student teacher, became a long-term sub when Mrs. Mower had her baby, then became a full-time teacher all at SJHS.  My whole career has been at SJHS. It's a little scary to be leaving but it's good to do things that scare you.”

Article written by: Chantel Furner , student reporter

Mr. Stuart

Submitted by tara.pina on

With the end of the school year coming also bring changes. One of those changes is that Mr. Stuart will be leaving SJHS.

Before becoming a teacher, Mr.Stuart worked retail, with the forest service, he also worked in marketing, process improvement, and in printing for years. He is also a professional graphic designer. He loved doing those things, but when he went back to college he was asked to be a teaching assistant, and he learned that he LOVED teaching. So he became a teacher!

Article written by: Edgar Arguelles, student reporter

Springville Lacrosse

Submitted by tara.pina on

Ms. Ottley is not only a teacher. She coaches the girls' high school team and her husband coaches the boys' high school team. They have both been heavily involved in the Utah Lacrosse scene since they first coached a youth team together ten years ago. Three of their sons and their daughter play lacrosse. She absolutely loves lacrosse. She says “it is a beautiful game with a rich and meaningful heritage. I love teaching girls this wonderful sport and watching their skills blossom”.

Article written by: Adelynn Roylance , student reporter

Mask update & info for the week of May 17

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

As you have probably heard, Governor Cox announced today that the statewide K-12 mask mandate will be lifted for the last week of the school year. As we have done all year, we will continue to follow state guidelines and protocols. This means that students will still need to wear masks for the week of May 17, but beginning on Monday, May 24, face masks will not be required for students or staff members in Nebo School District schools. Thank you for your patience throughout this school year with all the changes, and thank you for supporting us as we follow the state mask mandate though the end of next week.

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Info for the week of May 10 -- Información para la semana del 10 de mayo

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We are nearing the end of end-of-level state testing. The math section is our last test for 7th and 8th graders, and they will complete that test at the beginning of the week. Both of our 9th grade dual language immersion classes will be taking the AP test this week as well. We wish all of our students luck as they finish strong! We will spend some time at the end of this week and throughout next week taking care of make-ups for students who may have been absent or just needed a little more time. Calendar items for this week:

Monday, May 10:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Testing & Info for the week of May 3 -- Información para la semana del 3 de mayo

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We are in the home stretch of the school year—only four weeks remain until summer break. Our 7th and 8th grade students completed the state end-level-assessments in their English classes this week, and all of our students will participate in additional end-of-level testing next week. Here are the events for the week:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Getting To Know Brooke Bird

Submitted by tara.pina on

Brooke Bird is one of the many amazing ninth-graders here at Springville Junior High. Brooke likes to cheer and tumble. Brooke is on the Springville High School cheer team. She is looking forward to performing in the halftime shows with the team. If she could learn how to do anything she would want to learn how to do a full in tumbling. “I would want to learn how to do a full because I want to become a better tumbler and I feel like that would be a cool thing to be able to do.” Her favorite places that she has been to are Jamaica and Hawaii. “Those are my favorite places I have been because I got to do a lot of fun activities when I was in Jamacia.

Article written by: Delia Thompson , student reporter

3 Wishes for Starr

Submitted by tara.pina on

  If you found a magic lamp in the cave of wonder, rubbed it, and a genie came out and gave you 3 wishes, what would you do with them? 

Article written by: Emma Schmutz , student reporter

Edie Wilde

Submitted by tara.pina on

Edie Wilde is an 8th grader here at SJHS. She loves art and food and loves to socialize. She likes most things about school this year but one thing that she doesn’t like is how most of our assignments have been online this year. She would also love it if we didn’t have to go to school every day, She wishes that we could “go back to normal next year and not have Corona going around anymore”. Edie loves to socialize with new people so if you’re looking to find a new friend Edie would be a great person to get to know!

Article written by: Kiara Elias , student reporter

Lights, Camera, Action: Thomas Gabbitas

Submitted by tara.pina on

“I was born… and I wanted to act.” That is why Thomas joined the play. He was Cat and the Hat for Seussical the Musical. 

“My very favorite part of being in the show was playing the saxophone.” When we asked him what the worst part of the play was he explained that one of the days he had a cold and so it was harder to perform and play the saxophone. Thomas says, “I would definitely be in another play, like a musical...As long as it wasn’t an opera.” Sadly he isn’t taking drama class this year, but he is in marching band for the high school. He says that the best part is making new friends. Something else Thomas enjoys is cross country. 

Article written by: Aspen Cook , student reporter