9th Grade World Geography Learn African Style Drumming

Submitted by tara.pina on

The Utah Core Curriculum for 9th grade World Geography states, “Culture is the total sum of human expression.” In order to best help the students experience ways that cultures maintain their identities and traditions through their music, Ms. Reese and Mr. McKell explained, "we wanted to give their students the opportunity to learn how to play African drums." 

Article by Katie Reese

Article: The Quest of a Virtual Future

Submitted by tara.pina on

“There were clothing parts all over from college students and we were looking at all of the ideas they had created and portrayed in their designs.”  These are the thoughts of the few lucky students who were able to go on a field trip with Ms. Bird to SLCC. Salt Lake Community College is one of the only colleges in Utah to have an appeal fashion design course, which is one of their reasons for going.  Another reason is that Ms. Bird found her love for sewing from her mother who is deceased and this field trip was a way of remembering and paying tribute to her. Along with her mother, the late Leona Isabell Roylance, Ms. Bird dedicated the trip to the late SHS sewing teacher Carol Manwaring.

Article by Ashlee Bayles and Ella Stoddard - SJHS Student Staff Writers

Article: End of school and upcoming summer

Submitted by tara.pina on

The end of the school year is coming very close.  Every student is very excited to leave school and enjoy the freedom of summer. But every student is going to miss their favorite teachers and friends.

I asked if they are happy that school is going to end. “ I’m very happy that school is ending. Because school is sometimes long and boring”. Said Isaiah Carreno. “ I’m very happy that school is going to be over. Because I can go skate”. Said Tyler Bennett.

The 8th graders are Now moving up to 9th graders which mean they are now high schoolers. “ I’m very excited to start high school next year”. Said Ben Tenny

Article by Jared Hernandez and Maliyah Maye - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Term 3 No Tardy Party

Submitted by tara.pina on

The no tardy parties is a tradition here at our school. (A party for those who get no tardies.) SJHS held their third term no tardy party on April 23rd. The activity they chose to take kids on was the CLAS ropes course. As the title implies the requirements to attend the no tardy party is to have no tardies or absences for the term.  Kayla Jackson, one of the students who went, said that earning her invitation was easy, her advice, “Just go to class.” Kaden Paxton says to take his advice and just be aware of the time. For all their effort the majority of people enjoyed attending.

Article by: Jake Follette, Cody Creighton, Gavin Jones - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Poetry Slam, I’m A Poet And I Know It

Submitted by tara.pina on

Poetry is important to our school and important in life to broaden our perception of life. Poetry is a good chance to get to know other people and if your good enough, you can win scholarships or free money! The Poetry Slam is a event where students can show off a poem they wrote or where they can recite a poem that was written by someone else.

Each year SJHS has classroom poetry slams followed by a school slam. There is also normally a local poet who comes in to show students a real life example of slam poetry. 10 students are picked to then move on to the district poetry slam.

Article by Kara Larsen and Madison Black - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Film Class

Submitted by tara.pina on

The 7th graders this year were able to take a cool class called film studies. Last year 8th graders didn’t have this option to take this class, so most of us don’t really know what this class is or what it’s all about.  

Gage Jeppson is a 7th grader at sjhs and he stated that he absolutely loves this class, “film studies is actually my favorite class, It’s really fun and we get to watch and learn about different movies a lot, and the field trips are super fun!”  Gage says that he would very much recommend this class to other 7th grade students coming in next year, if this class is still an option to choose from!

Article by Rylee Andreasen - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Seasons "Great"-ings

Submitted by tara.pina on

This years track season has started off in a surge for the finish.  On March fourteenth was when the track season started off for all those interested in being involved.  One problem a lot of students had this year was that they did not turn in their physical and could not participate until they had. The first meet for track is on the Friday before Spring Break.  That would make it March thirtieth at Payson High School against the Junior High of Payson. The students at our school who are involved in track have been staying after school ever since March fourteenth to show their dedication to their sports association.  

Article by Ashlee Bayles - SJHS Student Staff Writer