Article: Fight the New Drug Assembly: Students Thoughts

Submitted by tara.pina on

Pornography isn’t really a subject you would expect at school, so it was a really big surprise to the students at SJHS when we had an assembly about it on Monday, October 2nd. The assembly's goal was to inform the students about the harmful effects of using porn. The assembly was to give the students more info on the subject and how we shouldn’t do it. Our students during the assembly seemed to be very calm, intrigued, and pretty willing to participate when the speaker asked. What were the students thoughts on it, though?

Article by Leslie Ruiz - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Mrs. Mower Spotlight

Submitted by tara.pina on

Mrs. Mower is an amazing teacher at Springville Jr. High School. She teaches math, and there is no one who can teach it like her. She started her math journey last year during the middle of the school year. She loved being a teacher at SJHS so much she decided to do another year of it. The way she treats her students with care and love is different from other teachers. Her lessons and techniques are also different which makes it fun to be in her class.

Article by Taylor Benson - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Intramural Tennis

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you ever heard of Intramural Tennis? Intramural Tennis is an after school program for people to practice tennis and get better, and are still able to play matches.

Kobri Fausett, an 8th grade girl says that she likes intramural tennis. “It gives us a chance to get better and maybe make the team next year” Kobri is hoping to make the team next year. Kobri plays doubles and singles and likes to play both. During and intramural tennis match they only play to four but kobri wins most of her matches.

Article by Libby Hodson - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: We must talk about the drinking fountains

Submitted by tara.pina on

There aren’t that many drinking fountains at our school. This causes issues with our student body. Many students have to walk to a different hall to get one miserable drink of water.  Getting a tardy just for getting a drink is kinda ridiculous. A student shouldn’t have to worry about being late to a class just because they wanted to quench their thirst.

Article by Leslie Ruiz - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Ghosts in the Snow?

Submitted by tara.pina on

One of the most beloved holidays is coming around the corner for us to celebrate. It allows many people to just let loose and enjoy the creepy atmosphere with a bit of sweetness. If you instantly thought of Halloween, you’re obviously right. There’s also one more that’s just as appreciated. It may land in the coldest of times, but warmth can be found and even felt with it’s alive and cheerful aura. That happens to be Christmas. But what does SJHS have to do with either of these? Well, on Halloween, a day before or after, everyone can come dressed up. When it’s near Christmas, we throw a big winter or Christmas themed dance.

Article by Raquel Marquez - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Honors vs. Honors plus

Submitted by tara.pina on

What is two subtract negative five hundred million. Okay that is way too much math but, for other people they can do it without thinking. That is why at springville we have regular, honors, and honors plus math classes that you can take. You may be thinking that this doesn’t apply to you but who know maybe someone will ask you a question about (honors) and who know you might know the answer to it.

Article by Cheyenne Skinner - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Go Big Red!

Submitted by tara.pina on

It’s football season here at SJHS, and this years freshman team has been doing pretty well.

Zach Mitchell, #19 and the quarterback for the Freshman team, says that he loves playing on the team because he gets to hang out with his friends and bond with them as a team. “I think my all time favorite game would have to be either against Lone Peak, or my first ever high school game. The Lone Peak game was especially fun because we just creamed them.” 

Article by Stazie Killpack - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Football

Submitted by tara.pina on

Are you looking for a fun sport that you can play all through fall? A sport that gets you in shape and makes you physically strong and Mentally awake. A sport that you can make friends in. A sport that you can show what you’re made of. Then football is your answer. Football is a rough, competitive sport, that many athletes enjoy playing. This game includes a lot of  hitting and tackling. There is always a chance of getting hurt.

Article by Kekoa Akiona -SJHS Student Staff Writer