7th Grade Day and School Open House

Submitted by shauna.shepherd on

We will run a modified schedule on Monday, August 21st for all seventh graders. Come meet your teachers and get acquainted with the school from 9:00-11:15. We will have popsicles and an eclipse viewing party afterwards if you'd like to stay. 

There will be an open house for all students and parents on Monday, August 21st from 3:00-5:00. Teachers and administrators will be here to greet you and show you around. 

Golf Tryouts

Submitted by shauna.shepherd on

There will be a golf meeting held on August 10th at 12:00 PM in the school library for anyone interested in trying out for golf. Come meet the new coach, Brodie Berg, and get needed information. Tryouts will begin on August 15th at Hobble Creek. If you need more information, please call coach Berg @ 801-623-7414 or email him @ blsubman [at] yahoo.com

2017-18 Registration

Submitted by shauna.shepherd on

Registration information will be mailed out to students' homes on July 25th. All registration will be done online this year, and online registration opens July 31st. For Registration:

  • Follow the steps outlined in the registration link above (on our homepage) to complete the registration steps and then access your class schedule. 
  • Administrators will be available July 31-August 2 for fee waivers. 


Submitted by tara.pina on

Here at Springville we are a very sports oriented community, whether itś school, city league or club; most kids take part in some sort of after school sports activity. Some of the most desired sports or the most popular activities are Basketball, Volleyball, and Football.

Article by Jenny Wallentine - SJHS Student Staff Writer

A Day, B Day, All Day

Submitted by tara.pina on

For those SJHS students going to the high school next year, you may be getting some practice in their class schedule. Starting in may SJHS will be going into an A day B day schedule for the end of year sage testing. This will make classes go to lengths about an hour and a half. They do this so students will have more time to do sage testing without being interrupted. Charles Brenchley a SJHS student said “I don't think we need it.” While Oliver Smith, another SJHS student said “I personally like that we are going to have a schedule that will let sage testing be easier.

Article by Micah Schmitz - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Anya Keil

Submitted by tara.pina on

Anya Keil, a 9th grader here at SJHS, is probably one of the most interesting girls I’ve met. Continue reading if you want to know more about her.

Article by Rainy Hickman - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Spotlight on Mr. Krebs

Submitted by tara.pina on

Mr. Krebs is currently a seventh and eighth grade math teacher at Springville Junior High School. He is retiring, but he has been teaching for 33 years at Springville Junior High school, he decided to become a teacher because he likes to help students and to him when a student learns something new it is very satisfying.

Article by Saydie Vanleuven - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Behind the scenes of Journalism

Submitted by tara.pina on

Journalism is a classed offered to all 8th and 9th grade students at SJHS. Students pick a topic at the beginning of each week and brainstorm ideas and questions for their interviews. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are used for interviewing students and teachers on the student's topic. Thursdays students type up their rough drafts and sometimes start their peer reviews. Fridays they finish up the peer reviews and turn in their articles.

“Journalism gives me a chance to get to know the students around our school, and get opinions from different points of views. Also I love to write and journalism gives me a chance to write every week.” Says Jenny Walentine

Article by Stazie Killpack - SJHS Student Staff Writer

High School Simulator 2017

Submitted by tara.pina on

The idea for a A day B day schedule was just announced in a recent assembly, similar to that of the High school schedule. The whole summary of it is one day you have a certain type of class, Math, Science, English, etc. while the other day will have Art, PE, and so on. Typically in High school this would be happening if you had about 14 classes like how most high schoolers do. But as we only have the standard 7 classes while still fitting Quest Time and Lunch in there, makes our classes an hour and a half long. Alike to how you would have English in the seventh grade. To most, this could come off as a bother and a trouble to your schedule. Ryan Witney says otherwise.

Article and Comic by Trey Widtfeldt - SJHS Student Staff Writer