Mr. Bass is the best

Submitted by tara.pina on

Do you know Mr.Bass the science teacher here at SJHS he is really good at it. He does so much fun stuff and he makes science the best; He is a amusement and funny teacher. His labs are really enjoyable how he makes them there the best labs ever here in Springville Jr High they are.

Article by Esmeralda Montoya - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Boys' Tennis Team

Submitted by tara.pina on

Last week at SJHS Mr. Dahl held boys tennis tryouts some of these boys answered these questions.

When asked “Why did you want to be on the tennis team” Cam Monson answered because I like playing tennis and I want to play it more. He also said that he started when he was 10 or 11 and he started  because his parents wanted him to play/learn it.

Ethan White said, that he likes to play tennis and he tried out because he wanted to show off his skills, and he started a few years ago with his family.

Article by Chandler Kiser - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Music, music, and more music

Submitted by tara.pina on

Music is all around us. Whether it be in your earbuds, on a speaker in your backpack, or on the radio on your way to school, everyone listens to some form of it. There are plenty of students here that go to music as a way to cope with the stress of school and just life in general.

Tyler Shurtliff, a ninth grader, says his favorite musical artists are “James Bay, Young the Giant, Milky Chance, and Eden Project." He gets most of his music on spotify and occasionally from other people. He says that Spotify is his go to when listening to music. His current favorite song is “either ‘XO - Eden Project’ or ‘Them Dirty Bones - Mike Waters’ “

Article by Alyssa Badger - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Entertaining half of technology

Submitted by tara.pina on

Everyone is excited about the new forms of technology that is being released, such as all of the different phones. But you can't forget about the more entertaining side of technology and that is Video Games.

Many people play Video Games on their phone, or their favorite at home gaming console. Here are some SJHS students opinions on their favorite games and consoles.

Tristan Sandate Prefers to play on the Xbox one and likes all the different types of game genres that have been released, but his favorite game so far has been Battlefield 1 , Because it has a good settings with lots of content along with great graphics.

Article by Azhdon Vest - SJHS Student Staff Writer

MAN UP! Teen Author Boot Camp

Submitted by tara.pina on

A little thing called Teen Author Boot Camp is pretty much a comic con for books. (Except it's for teenagers, you learn stuff, most of the merch is free, and you get to see authors.) Yeah. Comic con for books.

The only difference is there are two ways in order to get in. You can either be a normal person and pay to get in… Or you could be a boss and write a short story to submit to them and see if you are a decent enough writer to even get in. So let's meet some of them!



SUMMARY: Girl with lost family locates a well with the capabilities of traveling to an alternate world of magic.

Article by Trey Widtfeldt, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Batter UP

Submitted by tara.pina on

In ninth grade, jr. high students have the opportunity to tryout for the high school teams. Springville Jr. is very excited to announce that Sage Bowers, Seattul Call, Gabbie Grimes, Lizzie Kurban and Laney Scott made the sophomore high school team, and a special congrats to Sage Bowers for also making the JV team!

“Being a part of a high school team is an amazing experience, and the best part is that the seniors treat everyone the same no matter what grade you are in.” Says Seattul Call.

By: Stazie Killpack - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Spotlight: Lizzie Kurban

Submitted by tara.pina on

Lizzie Kurban is a 9th grader here at Springville Junior High. She’s incredibly sweet and funny, and such a great person to be around. She’s pretty interesting, so if you want to know more about her, just keep on reading!

Lizzie wouldn’t consider herself well known, and is, generally, a friendly person. She thinks that peer pressure is dangerous and would define it as someone saying “do this,” and you’re like “eh,” and they’re like “do it and you’re cool, do and you’re cool.” Then you’re just like, “ok.” She would convince someone someone to do something that they don’t want to by talking to them about it, and try to tell them how it’s beneficial to them.

Article by Rainy Hickman - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Kennedy Davis Spotlight!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Determined, athletic, kind, that’s the type of person Kennedy is. She is a seventh grader here at Springville Jr. High School.

She has two brothers and one sister which are all an amazing bunch. Because of that and many other reasons her family would be the one thing she cannot live without.

Kennedy’s knowledge on life or her philosophy is: “If you fail it’s okay just keep going.” I encourage you all to take that advice and the advice of getting to know Kennedy more.

Her biggest challenge has been almost moving to Georgia. Luckily that isn’t the plan anymore.

Article By Jocelynn Garner - SJHS Student Staff Writer

The Dating Scene

Submitted by tara.pina on


Here at Springville Junior High dating is something many kids take a part in, even though people “date” they have told that they actually don’t date and it’s more of a status kind of thing. However, many students are also against dating.

Article by Jenny Wallentine - SJHS Student Staff Writer