Mr. Rowley is AWESOME!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Mr. Rowley is are assistant principal here at Springville Jr High.”He is a good assistant principal ¨ Said Tiffany Dalley a 7th grader. She also mentions how nice and helpful he is. “Watching kids struggle that's the hardest part” said Mr. Rowley he is a great assistant principal because of all the amazing things he does for people for example Mr. Jensen a science teacher he was feeling so bad on Monday he felt so sick his eyes hurt so bad well Mr. Rowley went to go stop by at his room and he saw how sick he was so then he ask “Are you okay” and he saw how bad he was looking so he said all be right back and he went and got him a soda so his stomach won't feel as bad.

Article by Esmeralda Montoya - SJHS Student Staff Writer


Submitted by tara.pina on

March 27-31 there will be lots of fun events going on and fun things to dress up as.

Monday will kick off hope week with a fun start you will be able to dress up as crazy as you can and will be given Laffy Taffys if you do.

Kayla Jackson, an 8th grade student at SJHS is in charge of Tuesday she said that they will be dressing up with floaties and will be handing out life savers for the best floaties.

Article by Chandler Kiser - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Singing in the Rain comes to SJHS

Submitted by tara.pina on

Every year Springville Junior HIgh does a school musical. In the past they’ve done plays like “Crazy For You” and “The Music Man.” This year Ms. Utrera, our school’s choir and yearbook teacher, chose “Singing in the Rain, Junior” for this years drama’s production. The leads include Monte Taylor, Kennedy BIrd, Hannah Henage, and Colin Gwilliam. The play will be performed for everyone Thursday, March 23, Friday, March 24, Saturday, March 25 and Monday, March 27 at 7 each night.

Article by Alyssa Badger, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Spectacular Student Teachers of Science!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Tall, beautiful, young, magestic creatures lurk around Mr. Bass’ classroom, but don’t worry it’s just Ms. Carey and Ms. Merrill. They are the student teachers. Their job is to learn how to teach a class one day, and help the teacher they are shadowing. Unfortunately they’re leaving after spring break of this year.

Article by Jocelynn Garner - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Cool Knight of SJHS: Cooper Acor

Submitted by tara.pina on

Springville Junior High may seem like a little school, in a relatively smallish town, but some of our very own students have done some great things, for example, 7th Grader, Cooper Acor, was invited by Representative Francis Gibson to the State Capital on Tuesday to lead the House of Representatives in the Pledge of Allegiance on the House Floor. Cooper was extended the invitation after he responded to an email Gibson had sent to his constituents asking for a volunteer. Cooper is a Boy Scout in Troop 67 of the Hobble Creek District and explained to Gibson he was currently working on his Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge.

Article by Micah Schmitz - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Rise of the Planet of the 9th Graders

Submitted by tara.pina on

Sevies turn into 8th graders, and, eventually, through much aggravating elective classes and maybe some irritated teachers, they turn into 9th graders, in other words, high schoolers. But wait, aspiring 9th grader! You’re still tethered to SJHS! There is but another year that you must take before ascending to education heaven.

Article by Trey Widtfeldt, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Spring Break!!!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Spring break is coming up for Springville Junior High School and many student are excited for it.

Jane Wilson, an 8th grader at SJHS, said “ I am going to London and Paris”, she also said that she is really excited for it.

Jane said that her grandma is taking her and along with her, her two older sisters, Chloe and Emma. Jane explained, “ I want to see the Eiffel tower and go to the Louvre and see the Mona Lisa." She is also excited to see Wicked at Royal Albert Hall and she is also going on lots of tours and one of them is a food tour. She is very excited for the trip and can't wait to go.

Article by Chandler Kiser - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Junior High Drama

Submitted by tara.pina on

Junior high is known for girl drama. Most people here believe that there’s a lot as a teenager. ¨No matter where you go there is gonna be a drama problem.” one student said. Multiple students say there is an issue with the way certain people interact with each other while being a teen. There is a variety of students who feel they are a victim to the drama epidemic.

Article by Alyssa Badger, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Moving On

Submitted by tara.pina on

6th grade students from Sage Creek, Cherry Creek, Art City, Brookside and West Side elementary came to Springville Jr. High this week for their Orientation. They started off with an assembly showing many of our fine arts programs such as drama, choir, band, and orchestra.

Emilly Jessee, an upcoming 7th grade girl, is very excited for the class options that are available to choose from. “ I am very excited for foods in 8th grade!” As is almost every single 6th grade student.

Another upcoming 7th grader, Grace Basudldo, says that the class she is most excited for is art! “ It’s going to be weird not having a recess anymore, but it’s ok because I’m in Jr. High!”  

Article by Stazie Killpack - SJHS Student Staff Writer