Now is the Time to Give Thanks!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Christmas is coming up and everyone seems to be talking about it, but do you know what is coming up before Christmas?  Thanksgiving is!  We celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November and it is a nationally recognized holiday.  Thanksgiving has been celebrated ever since 1893.  It is a time to give thanks, spend time with family and friends, and to eat lots of good food, especially turkey!

Article by Kelby Jeppson

Teen Poet

Submitted by shauna.shepherd on

In Springville Junior High's Creative Writing Class, students are required to participate in at least one writing contest during the semester. Last year, Ms. Ann Marie Humble, then an eighth grader, chose to submit a poem to Creative Communications Poetic Power Contest. We are happy to announce that Ann Marie was one of ten students within all of the United States and Canada to win. 

What is your favorite holiday?

Submitted by tara.pina on

It’s the time of the year where there’s a holiday around every corner, so I interviewed a couple people in our school, and asked them their favorite holidays are, if their family does anything for this holiday, and what's their favorite part of this holiday.  

“My favorite holiday is Halloween, because it’s spooky, like my soul,” Bridget Hickman, a 7th grader, said. She stated that her favorite part is the “spooky vibes” it gives off. What she dislikes about Halloween is the people who think that they have better costumes.

Article by Rainy Hickman

SJHS + Uniforms?

Submitted by tara.pina on

Whether or not uniforms are a good thing or bad things is totally based on the opinions of the staff and pupils. So we went to see if the people in this school would like to have uniforms. Uniforms are usually correlated with prestigious schools like Harvard and Yale; but this school? Maybe or maybe not.

Article by Anya Keil

Good and Bad Days

Submitted by tara.pina on

Everybody has good days and bad days,  it's just a part of life. Even the students at SJHS have mixed days. Sometimes you go on a trip or you get a new sibling. Those can be some of the best days of someone's life. Some days you lose someone you love or you move away from your home. Those days aren't as good. Sometimes a day can be good or bad just because things went right or if things did not go your way.

Article by Lindsay Gardiner

Fall Dance at SJHS

Submitted by tara.pina on

On Thursday November 3rd was the fall dance.  14 students were asked if they would take part in the dance.  Five out of 14 said yes all five were girls.  Six out of 14 said no, one girl and five boys. One girl and three boys were undecided.

One of the minor concerns were the prices.  There were only three people who thought the prices were a little much. Some students tought that the prices should be one or two dollars.  Most of the people decided that the prices were okay for the most part but they agreed it can add up.  However, a lot of them think it’s worth the time and money.

Article by Trina Wilson & Jaquelin Tlatenchi

The Future is Bright for Springville Junior High!

Submitted by tara.pina on

This week at Springville Junior High School, certain kids at the school were asked what their thoughts were on their future. Lots of kids don’t know what they’re going to do after graduation. Will they go to college? What will they choose as a career? Have they thought about it at all?

We’re starting off with Seth Rigtrup, a seventh grade boy. After graduation, he says he’ll be somewhere working for money for college. “I haven’t done any planning yet,” he says. When ninth grade comes, he can start! If he could choose any career, he says it would be a doctor or play sports.

Article by Brenna Carlton and Sakari Duvall

Spotlight on Natalee Moore

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you heard of a student named Natalee Moore? Natalee Moore is a 9th grade student at SJHS.

Onikah Locklear, a student at SJHS, said “ Whenever I’m sad she always there to comfort me.” Also, Justice Farr, another student at SJHS, said that her favorite thing about Natalee is that “she’s always there for me, even though we have had are up’s and down’s.” Kinzie Lewis said, “ She always listens to me and she doesn't judge, she is also really positive.”

Article by Hailey Gabbitas