Ms. Jensen Teaches English

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Ms. Jensen is one of SJHS’s seventh grade English teachers. This is her first year at our school. She used to teach down in Cedar City. Ms. Pina, a seventh grade English teacher, said, “Ms. Jensen is awesome!” 

“I chose to be a teacher because I think education is one the most important things in the world,” said Ms. Jensen. Learning is a lifelong skill, according to Ms. Jensen. She chose to teach English because reading and writing are skills that are used all the time. 

Ms. Jensen’s hobbies include hiking, canoeing, kayaking, and rock climbing at her cabin in Island Park, Idaho. She also loves to cook. She said, “I’ve been known to bake cakes in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.” 

Leighlou Brown; SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Mr. Anderson

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mr. Anderson, a math teacher, has taught students here for six years. He has taught hundreds of students at Springville Junior High alone, all about math, and challenged them to learn and overcome difficult subjects in math. He is a great teacher, and students are glad we have him in our school.

According to Mr. Anderson, he has studied psychology at UVU, math and psychology at BYU, and he got a Master’s of Education in Mathematics from Western Governor’s University. He has been teaching for a total of 25 years.

Cole Gierisch; SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Rencher’s Wood Shop Class

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mr. Rencher, the wood shop teacher, teaches in room K310. Mr. Rencher loves teaching his class. He thinks his students are doing very well. According to Janie Kitchen, she is doing pretty well. According to Beau Mattinson and Kaden Haynie, they are doing great. 

Mr Rencher’s class is making a small chest that is 12 inches wide, 18 inches long, and about 12 inches high. Mr. Rencher thought it would be fun and challenging, and so did the students in his class. They have until the end of the term to finish this project, and they have 40 minutes each day of class.

Destiny Trammel; SJHS Staff Writer

Guess Who the English Teacher of the Year Is? Ms. McBride!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

At SJHS we have many great teachers. Sometimes those teachers get recognized. This year Ms. McBride, an eighth grade English teacher, was honored as one of the three English teachers of the year at the Utah Conference for Teachers of English. 

“I feel honored and humbled,” said Ms. McBride. According to Ms. McBride she knows many teachers that she thinks deserve this award. According to Ms. McBride she was nominated by Ms Piña. Mr. McGuire, a parent, and a student also submitted a letter recommending her for the award.

Andrew Messenger; SJHS Staff Writer

Food for Thought

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Every year kids are given a tough choice-which electives to take. One of these electives is the Foods class taught by Mrs. Luke during the last half of the day.

At SJHS we adore our teachers, and Mrs. Luke is no exception. With some 360 people getting into her class a year, her class is a favorite with eighth and ninth graders. She became a teacher to help kids see it is fun to eat healthy. She decided to come teach here in Springville because she loves the community. Her favorite dish is a good sandwich. She earned her undergraduate degree at BYU and her Masters at Utah State. 

Jake DeLlamas; SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Jackson: The Mathematician

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mrs. Jackson is a math teacher here at SJHS. She has been teaching for 21 years- all at SJHS!

According to Mrs. Jackson, she is originally from Indiana. She graduated from BYU. She is married and has four sons, one of which goes to SJHS. She loves U of U sports, especially football and and gymnastics. She really loves watching movies and doing anything with her family. 

According to Mrs. Jackson, the reason she teaches math is because it just made sense to her, and she wanted those that struggled to feel successful at it too. She felt like she could do that for students.

Jade Poulson; SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Mr. Dahl

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Mr. Dahl is one of the science teachers here at SJHS during the 2015-2016 school year. He has been teaching science for seven years. He wanted to become a teacher because his mom was a teacher, and he always knew that he wanted to help other people understand science and how it explains the world around us. He also loved science as a kid. He loves understanding the inner-workings of the universe and how everything functions. 

Anna Birch; SJHS Journalism Staff

The First Super Knight of the Year

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Monday, November 2, 2015, in the SJHS cafetorium, we had our October Super Knight assembly.  There was a boy and a girl for each grade.  According to Mr. Rowley, the assistant principal, there will be an assembly every two months instead of every month.  Each assembly will feature the Super Knights of the past two months.  The Super Knight award is given to people who are outstanding citizens, according to Alicia Britt, an eighth grader. 

Jenessa Crystal; SJHS Staff Writer

Student-Led Conferences at SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Thursday, December 3, students, teachers, and parents all had the opportunity to participate in Student-led Conferences. Student-led conferences have been a part of Springville Junior High School for several years.

During student-led conferences, students get to show their parents what assignments they have completed so far. They also get to discuss what they have learned during the school year, according to Devin Ashcraft, a ninth grade student at SJHS.

Student-led Conferences are important for SJHS. They help parents know what kind of people are in their community and what is going on in our school, according to Savannah Clyde, an eighth grade student at SJHS.

Cole Gierisch; SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Hammon

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mr. Hammon is one of SJHS’s most interactive teachers according to Mr. McGuire, SJHS’s principal. He teaches health in a special way. Mr. Hammon said, “I’ve been teaching for about 47 days.” 

Students and teachers around the school like his class. Katelyn Hollister, an eighth grader, said, “I like him for his taste of music.” He likes the same band she does.

Leighlou Brown; SJHS Writer Staff