Expert in Mathematics

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

There are various math teachers at Springville Junior High, one of those teachers is Mr. Dallin Krebs, who other than being here for almost three decades is also  very loved by his students, former and present.

“My career goal at a young  age was to be a farmer like my dad," said Mr. Krebs.   Mr. Krebs was born in North Logan, Utah, where he and his five brothers and two  sisters often helped their father with the farming right after school was over for the day.  Which of course is where Mr. Krebs got his ambition to become a farmer at a young age, but due to the poor economics of farming he was unable to do that.

"I then decided I wanted to be a electrician, so I enrolled at Utah State University with my major as Electrical Engineering. I completed all but two years of the required math courses my first year and then left for two years, said Mr. Krebs.  After two years Mr. Krebs returned to USU,  the teachers told him he would have to start all over again in order to be in Electrical Engineering.  He didn’t want to start over again, so he just decided to choose Industrial Education.

"Since I had all those math courses I was asked to teach math in addition to the vocational courses at my first school," said Mr. Krebs.  With time and help of his college math classes he started teaching math more frequently.  When he came to Springville Junior High School he saw there were no vocational courses so he just decided he would teach math, which he has been teaching for  twenty nine years now.

"I like teaching here at Springville Junior High. The best part is the students," said  Mr. Krebs.  Over the years Mr. Krebs has taught some very smart students whom he liked, and they liked him back. He still gets invitations from his former students to go to weddings or other important events, all due to their very close friendship with Mr. Krebs.

Jose Martinez, SJHS Staff Writer