SJHS Welcomes Toddlers

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On October second, Springville Junior High’s seventh-grade students hosted a preschool in their CTE classes.  Tiny toddlers came to enjoy a fun day of arts, crafts, music, stories, and treats. Mrs. Bird, the CTE teacher in charge of the preschool, said that the reason for the CTE preschool was “to give students some experience with young children.”

Each class was divided into groups to help prepare their section of the project. The students then planned for the young toddlers to come, whether it was making name tags, or creating a craft.  Each SJHS student contributed in their own way. Overall every participating student enjoyed the preschool. Josh Gomez, a seventh grader at SJHS, said that “the crafts were fun,” and Sara King, a seventh grader at SJHS, said, “I definitely the preschool was fun.”    

Samantha Sorensen, SJHS Staff Writer