Spike It! Springville City Volleyball Team

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Volleyball. A fun sport that is great for all ages! But where do the athletes of Springville City go to practice and play this sport? Well, the Springville City Volleyball Program of course! The program has games every Thursday and sometimes on Tuesdays at Cherry Creek Elementary School. But that’s not all, they also host clinics on the Tuesdays that they don't have games, also at Cherry Creek, to teach the girls basic skills they need to know before they can play, which makes it so even beginners can sign up. 

There are around nine teams participating this year. The players are from many different schools around this area, not just Springville Junior High School, so everyone gets to meet and interact with new people. There are two clinics every Tuesday, both two hours long. They consist of a quick workout, an overview of what the girls will be doing that day, explaining certain volleyball skills, putting them into practice, and then playing fun practice games for the remainder of the time. According to SJHS student Lauryn Ethington, the clinics are a great opportunity to try out the skills that she has learned, and the clinics also helped her learn the basics. 

The volleyball games themselves are a great way for the girls to improve as players. Games teach them volleyball skills, such as putting moves like the bump, set, and spike into play. “The more I play, the better I get!” said eighth-grade student Erin Caswell. But it also teaches them life skills, such as working as a team and letting yourself have fun. 

According to Nancy, one of the main directors of this program, girls can learn all the basic fundamental skills when participating. Girls will learn the bump, the set, the spike, and also underhand and overhand serves. To sign up, you need to go to the Recreation Office at Cherry Creek Elementary. You can also sign up online, with the proper credit card information. You can sign up by yourself, and they will place you with a team. Or you can even bring your own team and all sign up together. This is the only sport where you can all come as a team.

So, in conclusion, coming from a participator herself, this program is a great way for kids to learn the basics of volleyball, play games, meet new people, learn life skills, and just have a good time!

Zoe Dalley, SJHS Staff Writer