Students and Staff Say a Fond Farewell to SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

This year is the last year in our building before we will be moving to a new school. A lot of people are very excited, but many will also miss coming here each day. Students and teachers have made lots of great memories here over the years!       

This building has been a great place to go to school for decades, and many fun and unforgettable things have happened over the years. “I am really going to miss the memories I’ve made here,” said Brittany Burton, an eighth grade student.

Many great stories and legends have accumulated here at SJHS over the years. “I love the history here. Knowing the people and hearing the stories of what has taken place in this building over the years gives us valuable perspective,” said Mrs. Gleave, a math teacher. “We can learn so much about who we want to become and what it takes to make that happen when we understand our history.”

Kaitlynn Broderick, an eighth grader, and Ramzie Farr, a seventh grader, both said that what they will miss the most about our school is having an auditorium!       

Mr. Krebs, another math teacher, said that he will miss the history of the building as well. “I have taught here for 30 years and have taught a lot of students in that time,” he said. “I have also worked with some great teachers and parents over that period of time.”       

Of course, there are many drawbacks to being in such an old building, and everyone is excited for a little change. Ramzie Farr said that she is looking forward to new lockers, and Kaitlynn Broderick said she can not wait to have some new bathrooms. Brittany Burton said that she is excited for a bigger building with more space. Mr. Krebs said that he is looking forward to moving to the new school because the heating and air conditioning will actually work!

Mrs. Gleave is also looking forward to moving there. “The new facility is going to be beautiful.  I’m excited to dive in and set up a great learning environment for my students,” she said.

Teachers and students shared their favorite memories of this building.Mrs. Gleave had so many good memories, she could not pick just one! “Wow, there are so many!” she said. “Mr. Shields acting out important moments from the Civil War, the military helicopter landing on the PE field, amazing school musicals, Mrs. Wells’ students celebrating the Chinese New Year, phenomenal performing arts concerts by our band, orchestra, and choir students, and of course going Math Formula Caroling around the school at Christmas time.” 

Brittany Burton said her favorite memories were the No Tardy Parties and going to the dances with her friends. Ramzie Farr shared a favorite funny memory; “Me and my friend were going to decorate my other friend’s locker because it was her birthday,” she said. “As we were decorating, we figured out it was the wrong locker. Then we hurried and tore it all off and put it on the right one, and we made it!”

Mr. Krebs also had a favorite story to share. “The teacher next to me had his book open on his podium and every time he would turn around one of his students, who sat in the front row, would flick one of those sticky things you throw on the wall and turn the page of his book. He would turn back and his book was on a different page. He couldn't figure out how his book page was being changed every time he turned to face the board,” he said.

SJHS has been a wonderful school over the years, and our new one is sure to have just as much in store for us!

Emori Sky Brown, SJHS Staff Writer