October 2022

Halloween and Open Gym info — Información de Halloween y gimnasio abierto

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

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Dear SJHS families:

We will be holding open gyms for all eighth and ninth graders who would like to play basketball after school from 3:00 to 4:00, Monday through Thursday of this week in both gyms. We will have parent meetings on Friday, November 4th for all ninth grade students interested in playing on the SJHS boys and girls basketball teams. Tryouts will take place next week. Mr. Sumens will send out an email this week with detailed basketball information.

We announced the Halloween dress up guidelines to our students on Friday, but wanted to make you aware of them as well:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

10/21/22 SJHS Newsletter — 21/10/22 Boletín SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

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Next week is college week! Our counselors have planned different activities throughout the week to help students learn a little more about different post-high school options. We’re excited for our students to learn about the different opportunities they will have a chance to choose from in the future. Please take a look at our Counseling Department newsletter for more information about College Week and different supports available to our students. Next week’s events:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Red Ribbon Week!

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

Red Ribbon Week is in full effect here at SJHS! 💥

Please check out the details, make sure to participate, and join our raffle drawing!💯

A huge thank you to our PTA for putting this together! ❤️

10/12/22 SJHS Newsletter — 12/10/22 Boletín SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

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Dear SJHS families:

Happy Fall Break! Today is the end of first term, and students will be out of school until next Tuesday, October 18. Our PTA is hosting Red Ribbon Week the week after Fall Break. They have some fun activities planned for our students! Here is a schedule of the dress-up day themes for each day:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Be An Ally 10.7.22

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

Congratulations to this weeks Be an Ally winners! 

⚡ Marco Fonesca
For Following instructions and asking for help

⚡ Nima Groves
Being willing to help her classmates

⚡ Chloe Magleby
Sharing her calculator with another student

⚡ Ellie Juarez
Being a positive and upbeat leader

10/7/22 SJHS Newsletter — 07/10/22 Boletín SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

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Dear SJHS families:

The end of the term is upon us! Students have three more days of school until the end of term 1. Hopefully they were able to take advantage of our makeup day a couple weeks ago and complete any missing assignments. They also have a couple of days each week during Quest Time when they can complete homework and assignments. 

Fall Break is next week, and it’s one day longer than it has been in the past! Here are more details about our upcoming events:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal