All About Journalism!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Journalism is a super fun elective class for 8th and 9th graders. Ms. Piña is the new Journalism teacher at SJSH. Also teaches 9th grade english.It used to be taught by Ms. Dunn, But Ms. Dunn left SJSH in the 2015-16 year. Surprisingly, none of the current Journalism class( Eliza Whiting, Anya Kiel, Emma Biesinger, Angela Lopez, Amy Robertson, Hailey Gabbitas, Scout Benson, Corwynn Waycasy, Sakari Duvall, Kelby Jeppson, Lindsay Gardiner, Jocelynn Garner, Brenna Carlton, and  Alex Yoder) have done Journalism before.

Eliza Whiting

Hope Squad: Bringing Hope To SJHS

Submitted by tara.pina on

What is The Hope Squad? The Hope Squad is a group of students that are supposed to be a friend to everyone, and to help other students that are struggling. Here in Utah, we pride ourselves with creating the idea of Hope Squad in 1998. While Hope Squad was originally thought up of in our lovely home state, there is still lots that is unknown by the general student body about the Hope Squad. Hopefully by the end of this article, the unknowns will become knowns.

Article by Alex Yoder

Football season is here!

Submitted by tara.pina on

It's Football season at SJHS! Football is such a popular sport, and it always has and will be. Some of the football players had some interesting things to say about the sport, some of them also said some really helpfull things.

A seventh grader named Nash Scott said that he likes playing football because “ when you play football you stay fit and healthy.” Also a 8th grader named Hondo Quezada had some pretty good information about football and school work and how they go together. Hondo said that it just depends on how much homework you have because you have football after school, so you don't have to get out of class early or make up any work. 

Hailey Gabbitas

Meeting the New 8th and 9th Graders

Submitted by tara.pina on

This year there are a lot of new 8th and 9th graders that are here at our school, SJHS. To get to know them and to give a nice welcome, we got an inside view. 

We wanted to know where the students had moved here from and this is what they said. “Fresno California,” said DeShaun Knuckles. Alex Yoder just moved schools. Shawn Curtis moved here from Tucson (Too-sawn), Arizona. Martinez is where Lauren Gomez is from. Cedar City used to have a resident of the name Makailee Turner. And Heidi is from Mexico.

Article by Sakari Duvall

SJHS New Class; Photography!

Submitted by tara.pina on

This year SJHS has a brand new class for 8th and 9th graders, photography! Ms. Elison the art teacher at our school is the photography teacher now as well. Some things they get to do are learning how to use a camera to take pictures, learn how to photoshop, along with framing and lighting.

8th grader Julie Rowley and 9th grader Seka Groves both said that their favorite thing to do was to go take pictures around the school and outside. Julie said “there are so many things outside that just give feeling to the picture.”

Lindsay Gardiner

Is the Change From Quest Time to Student Advisory a Welcome Change?

Submitted by tara.pina on

For quite a while, Springville Jr. High School has had Quest Time every day except on early-out days.  Starting this school year, students and staff at Springville Jr. High will have no Quest Time on Friday, but something new called an Advisory Period.  The Advisory Period is where you go to your assigned advisor for twenty minutes right after third period and learn new things such as life and social skills.  Mrs. Shepherd, the dean of students, says that the Advisory Period is a “great way for kids to connect to one adult in the school.”

Kelby Jeppson

Introducing… THE NEW TEACHERS!

Submitted by tara.pina on


Here at SJHS we have some new teachers that we are excited to learn about. For some of them, this is their first teaching job, others have been doing it for years. Either way we are excited to have them in our school.

This school year we had some teachers retire, or just move to a different school, although we are sad to have them leave, we are also excited to have new teachers that we can get to know!

Article by Emma Biesinger

SJHS WheelSpins

Submitted by tara.pina on


At SJHS the students' reward for good behavior is the WheelSpins. How you get a WheelSpin card is simple, you just do your best and have good behavior. 

Mrs. Shepherd explained students get Wheel Spins by being “above and beyond normal. Teachers give them them to kids for being helpful” Mr. Rowley, the vice principal, mentioned that each teacher only gets 4 Wheel Spins to give away. You can get a Wheel Spin by just being helpful like pushing in chairs and picking up trash. 

Article by Corwynn Waycasy

Meet the Seventh Graders!

Submitted by tara.pina on

When school started about 4 weeks ago, the 8th and 9th graders continued school, but the seventh graders moved from elementary school! It was all brand new to them. Have you started to wonder how they’re doing, or how they feel about school? Well in this article, we’ll answer those questions.

Article by Brenna Carlton

Which Is Better- Monday Or Wednesday For Early-Out?

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you noticed how much our school is changing?  The students here at SJHS and the rest of Nebo School District are now having early-out day on Monday instead of Wednesday.  This is something new to our district and it started this school year!  According to Mrs. Shepherd, the Dean of Students at our school, the reason why they changed it was to help spread out events in the week and so sport events won’t cut into family night.

Article by Kelby Jeppson