1st Semi-Annual Art Show and Gallery Night

Submitted by april.rockwood on

Last week, the Fine Arts department hosted their first student art show and gallery night. Mrs. Spencer's ceramics students and Ms. Belnap's drawing students submitted projects to be displayed and judged by a representative from the Springville Art Museum. Our students did such a great job. It was amazing to see what they have learned in a semester and the incredible projects they were able to create. Below are the award winners from the evening. Watch the video to see their projects. Thank you Mrs. Spencer for organizing such an inspiring night!

"The Stone Heart" by april.rockwood

Best of Show - Levi Olson “Home”
1st Place - James Fleming “Reel ‘Em In”
2nd Place - Marcela Lopez - “The Stone Heart”
3rd Place - Claire Van Der Horst “Fancy McDonalds”
Best Theme - Maya Boyer “Crazy Christmas”
Most Creative - Molly Saybolt “Patches”

Honorable Mentions:
Amy Daines “Friendship”
Dean Higginson “Barad Dur”
Kaitlyn Lacayo “The Fallen Angel”
Maggie Smith “Village”
Sammie Barlow “Munch”
Sage Conrad “Mushroom”