“The New Art Teacher” Has a Name

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

We all know that SJHS has a new art teacher. But not many of us know that much about her!  Hopefully, after you are finished reading you will pass her in the hallway and instead of thinking, “That’s the new art teacher,” you will think, “There goes Mrs. Wallace, who was the oldest of seven kids and the badminton champion of her junior high.”       

Lara Wallace was born in Arizona and moved to Orem, Utah when she was four years old. Growing up, her favorite pastimes  were dancing, art (of course), and music. “My dad had a radio station at our house,” said Mrs. Wallace. “He was a DJ and we'd play music on it together.”       

Mrs. Wallace was interested in art from a very young age. “Since I was about three I've been a very visual person,” she said. “In elementary school I used to have stamp club and we'd sell our stamps in fourth grade during recess. I did a portrait of all my teachers and they saved them; they were so nice. I'm not sure what made me interested [in art], but I know that I've always been drawn to beautiful and unique things. My grandpa and great-great-grandpa were both artists, so maybe I have the art gene.”       

According to Mrs. Wallace, by the time she was in tenth grade she knew she would go to college to get her art education degree. “I had a music and art scholarship and received a five on the AP portfolio,” she said. “I was also a straight A student and worked my way through college.” She did her student teaching in 1998 and received her degree in the spring of 1999. “I had two kids when I graduated, so I was a full time mom,” said Mrs. Wallace. “During that time I used my creativity to paint walls, do homemade cards, and start an art class for kids in my basement art studio.” Meanwhile, she volunteered as an art teacher at schools, and in Vermillion, South Dakota she was part of the Jolley Art Block program, where she taught all elementary grades. “Each class only got to have four lessons during the year, so you all are very lucky here to be able to be able to sign  up for art any semester,” she added.This job here at SJHS is her first full-time teaching job. “I find myself walking around and getting excited for the kids and the cool things they are making,” Mrs. Wallace said. “I had the opportunity to work here unexpectedly, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to use my degree. It's been a great experience.”       

According to Mrs. Wallace, family is a big part of her life. “I am the oldest of seven kids, so I have a lot of family close by in Utah. It's fun to do things with them. We go camping together each year,” she said. She is married and has six children. “We have made traditions that help keep our family close,” Mrs. Wallace said. “We love to do creative things, including making a book and illustrating it together as a gift.” A fun fact about Mrs. Wallace is that she shares a birthday with her sister, grandma, great-grandma, and aunt!

Friends are also very important to Mrs. Wallace. “I have a lot of good, close friends that I've stayed in contact with through the years. Kids from my kindergarten class are still on my Facebook. I am a very loyal and good friend, and I especially keep the art friends. Having a community to draw from is really important,” she commented. 

Students here at SJHS have a lot of positive things to say about Mrs. Wallace as a teacher! Haley Snarr, a ninth grader in her photography class, said, “She’s good at giving examples and helping us learn the history of photography. I like learning how to take good pictures.”

Kyler Curtis, a student in her first period art foundations class, said, “We do art and it’s one of my favorite subjects. She makes sure everyone’s work is in and she’ll tell us if something is missing.”

Mrs. Wallace has an important message for all of us students, “Life is all about what you make it to be. Attitude is everything, so pick a good one. Overcoming fears, doing hard things, and treating people with kindness- that is what it is all about. I'm learning a lot of things while teaching here, and I appreciate all the neat students who make it worthwhile.” So now you know a little about Mrs. Wallace, and hopefully you will talk to her and get to know her even more!

Emori Sky Brown, SJHS Journalism Staff