Andalyn Hall Wins First Place at FFA Science Fair

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On March 9th, 2012, SJHS students attended the State Future Farmers of America (FFA) convention in Richfield, Utah.  At the convention, the FFA had a science fair. All of the FFA members participated in the science fair, including Andalyn Hall, a ninth grader at Springville Junior High School.
Andalyn’s science fair project tested alpaca fibers (hair). She tested how alpaca fibers grow stronger or weaker over time and with age.  After much research and hard work, Andalyn presented her science project, and she won! She was up against ten students and took first out of her category. “She was happy!” said  Mrs. Giffing, the agricultural science teacher here at SJHS.

According to Andalyn, her science project was difficult in some ways. “There were no resources,” said Andalyn. Not many people have researched alpaca fibers, which made it difficult for Andalyn to get information.
The reason Andalyn wanted to get information on alpaca fibers is because she wants to start a business. “Many people are allergic to wool, and alpaca fibers are hypoallergenic, and the best quality of fiber.”
“I’m glad I did it,” said Andalyn. “It was fun.” Although she has done a lot, there’s still more to do. Andalyn is participating in a preliminary screening before moving on to Nationals. The National FFA Convention will be in Indianapolis in October 2012.

Andalyn has come far with her science project, now let’s see how much farther it goes!

Bianca Trujillo, SJHS Staff Writer