Be An Ally, Anywhere, Any Time

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on
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You may find yourself asking questions about being an ally.  What does it mean? How does it help? Why should we do it? Keep reading for your answers.

What do you think it means to be an ally? According to Spencer Johnson, a ninth grader on the Hope Squad,“ being an ally means to stick up for everyone even if they aren’t your best friend so they know that you care. Be an example that other people can follow to make this school a happier environment.”         

What could it do for our school?  Mrs. Distefano, the seventh grade counselor, said, “I think if students are willing to be an ally it could go a long ways, make students feel safe and like they belong, so if everyone would be an ally then peers would see it is not okay to bully and then it could spread.”        

How do other people feel about it? They think that it is win win situation, what do you have to lose?         

What is some advice to help me be an ally?  Ryker Jenkins, an 8th grade student at our school, said that kids just need to stay in school, have fun, be nice, and BE AN ALLY!!!        

Mrs. Distefano said to, “look for the opportunities to help other students and it’ll be awesome!”

Chloe Wimmer, SJHS Staff Writer