Less Assemblies, More Awards

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The students and staff of SJHS gathered around in the cafetorium Tuesday, January 19th, for an assembly to see who among their peers would be known as the next Super Knights. Twelve students were chosen from November and December 2015 to receive the award. Super Knight assemblies are made to honor students. SJHS used to hold a Super Knight assembly once a month, but now, we hold it once every two months and to honor more students we give Chivalry Awards. “We wanted to do more to recognize students,” said Mr. Rowley, the assistant principal of SJHS. The Super Knight award winners this were: Bethany Blakey, Sydnie Nilsson, Bennion Messenger, Cameron Ottley, Rosy Stoddard, Savannah Clyde, Jonathan Acevedo, Cooper Riggs, Wendy Gwilliam, Makayla Clements, Taylor Ottley, and Daniel Holden.

Not only are twelve students chosen to be Super Knights, but a new addition to the awards this year are the Chivalry Awards. There is no specific number of how many Chivalry Awards are given out each time, it just depends on how many teachers vote. The Chivalry Award winners were: Michelle Mumford, Warner Bryan, Benjamin Douglas, Andrew Messenger, Morgan Black, Jaxon Butler, Mikalei Frandsen, Sydnie Nilsson, Dominique Larios, Sarah Reber, Ethan Walker, Jenessa Crystal, Stefania Lopez, Christopher Johnson, Harley Caldwell, Annai Diaz, Taren Stewart, Nathan Call, Caleb Farmer, Trevor Ollerton, Kaitlyn Gee, Natalya Love, Kaylee Allen, Ali Kilpack, Kaylynn Smith, Jesus Lopez, Alexys Griggs, Ariana Cox, Lizzy Smith, Chandler Larsen, Sally Giatras, Ellie Brenchley,  Mayzie Brunson, Emily Snyder, Katie Gerber, and Chau Le. 

Quite a lot of students right? “It is all just to honor more of our awesome students,” Mr. Rowley stated.

We have a lot of amazing students at SJHS, and we are very lucky to have these chances to honor them.  “I didn’t expect this award. It’s really nice to know that the teachers care about you,” said Ben Douglas, a Chivalry Award winner. Although these awards are different, they are both amazing and significant to the students who join the hall of Super Knights and Chivalry Awards.

Autumn Olsen; SJHS Staff Writer