Making Food in Foods, Who Knew!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 “I wonder what they do in foods class?” said no one ever. Anyone who has ever been near room 36 can smell the delicious scents.

“We learn basic cooking skills,” says Mrs. Luke about her ninth grade foods class. “We have a unit for fruits and vegetables, dairy, grains, etc.”        

Similarly, Mrs. Murray, the eighth grade foods teacher, says, “In eighth grade Foods Exploration, students learn how to have a healthy, balanced lifestyle through diet and exercise by using the MyPlate [a nutrition guide] and learning about each food group.”

 It does not stop there. Not only is this class informative, it is fun as well. 

Eating the food that they have made seems to be a popular in-class pastime for the students. According to eighth grader Avyrie Fellows, it is one of her favorite parts of class. 

“I love to see the excitement of the students when they successfully make a product that they can eat,” comments Mrs. Luke. She continues to say, “I also love when they are excited to take the recipe home and make it for their family!”

Amanda Hall, SJHS Staff Writer