Nebo District Symphony Band

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Once upon today, there is a little school district called Nebo. And in Nebo School District there is a symphony band.  A symphony band is a program that combines orchestra and band together, and it is for kids who are in the ninth grade and up. But kids can also be invited if they are in seventh or eighth grade. The program runs through the whole year.

There are two directors and one secretary for the symphony band. Mrs.Blake is one of the directors for the symphony. She teaches concert band, jazz band, percussion, and guitar at Springville High School. Mr.Wells is the second director. He teaches orchestra at Salem Junior High. Mr. Tsugawa is the secretary. He teaches chamber orchestra, concert strings, and philharmonic strings at SHS. He also teaches orchestra at Springville Junior High.

Practices are held every Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 after school. The directors take these practices very seriously.  The symphony band will have three concerts throughout the year. The first concert is on Thursday, December 6 at Salem Hills High School. The Nebo symphony band will be performing a piece with the Nebo Philharmonic Strings.

Many students enjoy symphony band. They enjoy the songs and the energetic beat they have. Erin Caswell, and eighth grader at SJHS who plays violin, said, “Symphony band is challenging and interesting to learn new music and notes.” A few students have agreed that their favorite song is Aboriginal Ritual by Elliot del Borgo. According to Chloe Wilson, another eighth grader at SJHS, she likes to be the only oboe player.

Abi Maccabee, SJHS Staff Writer