New Electives at SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

At SJHS there is a lot of variety when you choose classes, and there are over 30 classes to choose from.  There are a lot of really fun classes too, like Individualized Life Activities, Foods, Photography, and a lot more.  

According to Mrs. Distefano, a counselor at SJHS,  there are four new really fun classes this year at SJHS; they are Speech, Digital Design, Drama and Animal Science.  A lot of students are taking these classes and enjoying them.

Most students in the Animal Science class say they have fun in the class and like learning about how to take care of animals and they like Ms. Thomas, the Animal Science teacher, because she is nice and a good teacher.  The students in that class enjoy it and think of the field trips and fun activities as extra.

In some of the elective classes you can do fun projects.  Mr. Hatfield, a science teacher at SJHS, has a Science Elective class and has fun projects like the eggdrop, catapults and a lot more fun projects.

McCade Dixon, SJHS Staff Writer