Spotlight: Mrs. Tarin

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School would like to recognize Mrs. Tarin, the secretary in the counseling office. She has been working here for four years running. Mrs. Bales, the attendance secretary at SJHS, “The best thing I love about Mrs. Tarin is that she’s friendly; and she’s helpful with the kids and the rest of the faculty. She raised her family here in Springville,Utah. A lot of people helped her raise them, so thats what motivated her to want to be apart of a team.”

Mrs. Tarin has been great to all of those who need help with whatever they are struggling with.  Mrs. Murdock, the Finance Secretary, said, “ My favorite thing about her is her sense of humor, and she is an awesome substitute nurse for those who need TLC, (Tender, Loving, Care.)”

When SJHS gets new students, Mrs. Tarin always tries to make them feel welcome and comfortable when they come to school. She works on their schedules so that they can start school as soon as possible. Whenever anyone needs some support or help it  doesn’t matter if it’s a teacher, faculty or even a student, Mrs. Tarin is always there to help.

Bailey Patterson, SJHS Staff Writer