Teacher’s Awesome Stories

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

This is teacher stories; a section about teachers and the strange things that happen to them.

This one comes from Mr. Taylor, one of the CTE teachers, about his experience one fateful Halloween night!

“When I was a little kid I went trick or treating. I was so excited because I got a full size Snickers bar. Later that night I trick or treated a house and a huge guy said that on his home island they don't just give out candy, they trade. The guy then reached in my bag and took my Snickers bar, and then dropped a three pack of sweet tarts into my bag. I was so heart broken and I was too little to think about revenge. I have been scarred since that day.”

This next one is from Ms. McBride, an seventh and eighth grade English teacher, about a time at the beach.

“Every summer, we have a family reunion at the beach in California, and we all love to spend a lot of time in the ocean. One summer though, my cousins and I got stuck in a rip tide (where the waves keep pulling you out farther and farther). We were out there for a LONG time, and we could not get back into shore, even though we're all pretty good swimmers. We ended up having to get rescued by lifeguards. The first thing my friends asked me about later is if the lifeguard was "cute," but all I was really focusing on was how much I wanted to be back on the beach!”

Stephen Gantt, SJHS Staff Writer