February 2023

Be an Ally Winners, Feb. 24

Submitted by april.rockwood on

We would like to recognize this week's "Be an Ally" winners. Spencer Bolagna was nominated by Sra. Bishop for offering his help to a classmate without being asked to. Sra. Bishop also nominated Kate Austin for being proactive and offering to help her teacher with a task she knew would help the classroom. Whitney Sanchez was nominated by Ms. Anderson for constantly doing acts of service in the classroom. Ms. Anderson also nominated Bryant Kaisa for brightening the class day by telling the class what the national day celebration is. Thank you Spencer, Kate, Whitney, and Bryant for being an ally at our school.

Nebo Schools Open on Regular Schedule Thursday, February 23, 2023

Submitted by april.rockwood on

All Nebo schools will be open on the regular schedule for Thursday, February 23, 2023. We truly appreciate the city, county, state, and district personnel for their diligent work in our recent storm across our district. Please remember that school closures are rare. In most cases, school will remain in session even with Utah's climate. Because weather conditions may vary greatly in different neighborhoods and on different streets, we encourage parents to make attendance decisions for their own students.

Dr. Enriquez, LIA CEO and Founder, Visits SJHS

Submitted by april.rockwood on

On Friday, February, 17th, Latinos in Action CEO and Founder, Dr. Jose Enriquez visited SJHS. LIA students from both the junior high and Springville High learned about why Dr. Enriquez founded LIA, his vision for the students, and how students are being developed everyday to be leaders in their schools and communities.  Students also learned about scholarship opportunities, the annual conference, art and essay contests (with cash prizes), and enrichment opportunities through the University of Utah and Utah State University. Thank you Dr. Enriquez for your inspiring visit!

Be an Ally Winners

Submitted by april.rockwood on

We want to recognize and congratulate this week’s "Be An Ally" winners. Keslee Fenn (left) was nominated by Ms. Pina for picking up a Chinese New Year Poster and hanging it back up so it wouldn’t get ruined even though she is not in Chinese! Oneyla Wolf (right) was nominated by Ms. Rockwood for always being willing to help her classmates when they don’t understand a concept or need help with missing work! Thank you Keslee and Oneyla for making our school a better place to be!  Please go to the library to receive your prize and have your picture taken.

SJHS Knights Take Gold at FCCLA Competition

Submitted by april.rockwood on

Last week our FCCLA students competed in the district competition. They brought home gold and bronze and have several students advancing to the state competition later this year.

Abby Snyder & Himaya Hunsaker competed in Repurpose and Redesign. They repurposed wood pallets and made a beautiful stool. They received gold and will be advancing to the state competition.

Sam Beus & Chloe Magaleby competed in Interior Design to create a living space for teens. They received bronze and will advance to the state competition.

Grace Gibb competed in Promote and Publicize to come up with ways to spread the word about FCCLA and received a bronze.

Nebo Parent Guidance Series -- Mental Health Awareness Opportunity

Submitted by april.rockwood on

Attention Nebo Parents:

Join our next Mental Health Series...
"Emotional Regulation: Recognizing What's Wrong"
February 22, 2023, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Go to: https://cookcenter.info/NeboFeb22

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate. We welcome you to come, learn, and participate so you can help others.

Lana Hiskey

Nebo School District Offers Love and Logic Parenting Workshop

Submitted by april.rockwood on

Nebo School District in partnership with Spanish Fork City presents a virtual Love and Logic Parenting Workshop.

“There's a lot of advice out there on how to raise your kids – some better than others. ‘Love and Logic’ is a favorite of therapists, family life educators, teachers, principals, and most importantly parents. It is practical, easy to learn, and really effective! Come and enjoy this fun, upbeat, and informative workshop full of useful tips!” – Jonathan Sherman, LMFT, Family Therapist and Parent Educator

Where: Online via Zoom
Dates: Tuesdays - March 14, 21, & 28 (all three for the full course)
Time: 6:00 -7:30 p.m.

Lana Hiskey