May 2023

District Poetry Slam

Submitted by april.rockwood on

Last week, SJHS English department hosted a poetry slam. The winners from our school level competition moved on to the district event last night. Dowawisnima Groves, Thomas Wilson, and Alice Heppler did an amazing job at the District Poetry Slam. They all performed heartfelt, moving poems and SJHS is so proud of them!

1st Annual SJHS Poetry Contest

Submitted by april.rockwood on

This year the library and English department hosted a poetry contest for SJHS students. After learning about poetry in class, students were invited to submit their best poems. We were overwhelmed by the number of amazing poems our students wrote. A collection of poems will be published in a SJHS Poetry Anthology. The following students are this year's winners:

1st Place: Marcela Lopez for her poem, Papa

2nd Place: Molly Saybolt for her poem, Hourglass

3rd Place: Stephanie Whetman and Brinna Rogers tied for 3rd place for their respective poems, Broken Hearted and I, of the Storm