August 2023

8/25/23 Newsletter — 25/08/23 Boletín

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.

We had a great Stand4Kind assembly this morning focused on lifting others and ourselves. This was a great kick off for our 5th annual Be an Ally Week that starts on Monday. At the beginning of each school year, the student council hosts a week to introduce our school motto, Be an Ally. The student council explains that being an ally “can mean being a friend to someone new, standing up for someone, or holding open a door. It means treating each other in a way that makes everyone feel welcome, safe, and included at school.”

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Info for the First Week of School — Información para la primera semana de clases

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.

We had such a great turn out for yesterday’s open house! It was fun to see our 9th graders and meet our new 8th graders and their families. Our faculty and staff have attended professional development and collaborated as teams throughout the summer so they are ready for a new year of teaching and learning. We are excited about what the new year has in store! School starts tomorrow, August 16, at 7:55am.

Tiffanie Miley, Principal