Authors visit SJHS

Submitted by tara.pina on

We have had the privilege of having two authors come and visit our school. Chris Crowe,  an English proffesor at BYU and author of the books, Mississippi Trial (a book the 9th graders have been reading). We also had the privilege of having Lance Conrad, another local author come near the end of last month.

Article by Brighton Platt - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Mrs. Riggs wins Crystal Apple award.

Submitted by tara.pina on

The Crystal Apple Award is an award to recognize an awesome dedicated teacher. On March 15, Mrs. Riggs took home the award. In case you were wondering, Mrs. Riggs is a super awesome teacher here at SJHS that teaches both English and Creative Writing. Mrs. Riggs has been teaching full time for 6 years. She started teaching middle school in Texas at Scott Johnson Middle School.

Article by Cameron Hall - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Hope Burning Like a Flame

Submitted by tara.pina on

Red vines, lifesavers, tic tacs, gum, heroes, hats, be red, be you, twins, and touring. This is the life of the students of Springville Junior High the last week of March. The students had the opportunity to be part of Hope Week, which is a week that the Hope Squad used to display their beliefs on how life should be for students. Each day’s dress up represented something that the Hope Squad felt should be brought to the attention of all the people who attend the school. They had several meetings to decide what they felt would help the school become the “happiest place on earth”.

Article by Ashlee Bayles and Ella Stoddard - SJHS Student Staff Writers

Article: Summer is Almost Here!

Submitted by tara.pina on

From todays date, there are only 20 days of school left. The end of school is near, and that means summer is right around the corner. We are still in school though, which means we still have more work to do before we can check out of school. There is Sage Testing, which requires preparation before we can start. But we are almost there.

Article by Cameron Hall - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Romeo and Julieta play

Submitted by tara.pina on

Recently our school had the pleasure of viewing the performance of BYU Youngs Romeo and Julieta play. This play was only seen by 9h graders and spanish immersion students, and was performed with scenes in spanish throwing and unsuspected twist on the original tragic love story.

 All of the ninth grade and spanish immersion class was invited into the cafetorium to watch the performance. Jesus Hernandez, a ninth grade student said “It was fun to watch. Pretty good overall.” Jesus liked that it was in spanish and he liked the added twist. He only wished there were louder performers but he said he still enjoyed it.

Article by Gavin Jones - SJHS Student Staff Writer

SJHS English Teachers Get Grant

Submitted by tara.pina on

8th grade English teachers were able to receive nearly a $1000 from the Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership, to help cover the cost of taking over 130 students to the Topaz Museum of Japanese Internment.
This was a great opportunity for students to gain historical and cultural background on a subject that is local and dear to our hearts.

Thank you for the support, Great Basin Heritage Area Partnership! 

Springville Mayor’s Recognition Award: Lindsay Gardiner

Submitted by tara.pina on

Ninth grade Springville Junior High student, Lindsay Gardiner, received the Springville Mayor’s Recognition Award at Tuesday’s City Council Meeting. Assistant Principal Shauna Shepherd nominated Lindsay for her kindness and her ability to see the needs of others. Ms. Shepherd writes “Lindsay took it upon herself to organize a group of friends to write 365 anonymous notes to a struggling student so she would have one happy note to read from a friend every day.” Springville City Council, Mayor Child and the community are so grateful for Lindsay and her example. Lindsay is the daughter of Margot Gardiner.

Article by Shannon Acor

Article: Behind the Curtain

Submitted by tara.pina on

 At Springville Junior High the students worked hard to bestow upon you Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The students who made it have been staying after school continuously since the beginning of January. The dedicated students are eager to give you the behind scenes of the play and how it works.

In the past the school has put on a variety plays, some of which include The Music Man, I’m Crazy for You, and Singing in the Rain. Many of these plays have brought family and friends closer together. Though the idea seems almost unreal the play has the potential to bring the entire society together.  

Article by: Ashlee Bayles - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Lunch time, sacred and enjoyable

Submitted by tara.pina on

Lunch time, a very sacred time for students. A break in between school to devour food and hang out with friends. You might get a school lunch, and you might bring a home lunch, but lunch should be a great time for you no matter what. There are two different lunches, first lunch gets their lunch break after fourth period, and second lunch has theirs after fifth period, and both are for relieving hungry students.

Article by Cam Hall - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: The Track Coaches of SJHS

Submitted by tara.pina on


Track season is coming up for Junior High Schools, and information on the track coaches is sought after. Mr. Hammon will be coaching sprints, hurdles, and relays, Mr. McKell will be coaching the distance races, Mrs. Hatch is the throwing coach, Mrs. Hotchkiss will be coaching hurdles and long jump, and last but not least, Mrs. Trunnell will be coaching the high jump event. Track season begins in March, and an information meeting has already taken place for those who wish to participate. Practice takes place after school in the field behind the school.

Article by Kara Larsen - SJHS Student Staff Writer