Mr. Shields’s Class Gets Riled up Over Super Bowl

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Friday, February 1,  Mr. Shields’s Springville Junior High eighth-grade history classes voted on who would win the Super Bowl. Mr. Shields said, “It is a good way to show students how the Electoral College works. It is a fun way to teach with participation. The voting gets quite intense and brings an element of fun to learning about the voting system.” 

Erin Caswell, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Mrs. Davenport

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

There is a very important person at Springville Junior High School that most students don’t know about--Mrs. Davenport. Mrs. Davenport works at our school from 11:00 - 2:40. One of the things that she does is she tracks kids. When she tracks a student, she monitors their grades and attendance to see how well they are doing. If a student isn’t doing very well, their parents might ask for them to be tracked. Other times, a student will just be assigned to Mrs. Davenport to be monitored. Mrs. Davenport also helps out with the Four H clubs after school by providing snacks for the members.

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer

Welcome, Mr. Argyle!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High, we have a new dean of students!  His name is Mr. Argyle.  According to Mr. Van Ausdal, SJHS principal, Mr. Argyle brings sixteen years of experience with him.  Mr. Argyle taught health, science, and PE for more than fifteen years at Diamond Fork Junior High School.  Mr. Van Ausdal thinks that Mr. Argyle is an awesome guy.  He said, “He has a friendly disposition.”

Ms. Yeager, teacher at Diamond Fork Junior High, worked with Mr. Argyle for many years.  According to Ms. Yeager, Mr. Argyle is really nice and funny, always cares about the well-being of students and “is very humble and willing to learn new things.”

Allison Clisbee, SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Anderson: All Summed Up

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Mr. Anderson, a math teacher at Springville Junior High School, said, “I want students to learn that with the proper effort, they can do anything.” The classes he teaches are Pre-Algebra, Secondary Math 1, Secondary Math 1 Honors, and Secondary Math 2 Honors. According to Mr. Anderson, he has a  Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a masters degree in Teaching Mathematics.

Samantha Sorensen, SJHS Staff Writer

Getting Groovy with Art Class

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Have you ever said to yourself, I am such a bad artist?  I can’t even draw a straight line! And have you ever wanted to draw better than a four year old?  And actually make your flowers look like flowers and not like bombs? 

Well, at Springville Junior High School we have a art class that everyone loves. There are some students who find that art helps and inspires them.  Brayden Howell, a seventh grader, said, “Art is inspiring.” Some of the students have families that are very artistic, and they get inspired by them to do art and see where it will take them. 

Maryn Giles, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Shoot for the Gold at the Archery Tournament

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Every year, and archery tournament is held at the Salt Lake Palace in Salt Lake City.  This year, the NASP, National Archery Schools Program, will hold the tournament on February twenty-third.

Mrs. Anderson, girls P.E. teacher at Springville Junior High, attends the archery tournament every year.  She teaches an archery section in her P.E. class and likes to see students apply what they have learned.  She commented, “It was really fun last year, so I’m excited for this year.”

Allison Clisbee, SJHS Staff Writer

6th Graders Watch “Thoroughly Modern Millie”

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students and teachers at Springville Junior High had the opportunity to watch our school’s amazing play, “Thoroughly Modern Millie.”  But some students from other schools got the chance to see it as well.

On October 30th, sixth graders from Brookside, Art City, Sage Creek, Westside, and Cherry Creek Elementary Schools came to our school on a field trip.  Sixth graders over the years have loved to come and see the play at SJHS.  According to Mrs. Walker, a teacher at SJHS, the play was a big success.

Allison Clisbee, SJHS Staff Writer

Secret Santa Spectacular!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Christmas is a time for celebration, but what is a teacher to do when they want to have a fun holiday activity for their class? The possibilities are endless, but our history teacher here at Springville Junior High School, Mr. Shields, decided to stick with a beloved classic. I’m talking about the Secret Santa of course! On December 20th, 2012, this activity had the students of Mr. Shield’s second, third, fifth, and sixth period classes excited from when they had to hunt for the perfect gift right down to the surprise when they received their own! 

Zoe Dalley, SJHS Staff Writer

Battle of the Lunches

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Contentions have arisen here at Springville Junior High. Lunch Wars have begun. Lunch Wars is a fun and creative competition that motivates students to pick up after themselves and keep the cafeteria clean. The competition is between first and second lunch. As Mr. Van Ausdal, the principal of SJHS, would put it, Lunch Wars is “a little incentive to help students keep the lunchroom clean.”

Sadie Clark, SJHS Staff Writer

Christmas Doors

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The actress Ashley Tisdale once said, “I love Christmas, not just because of the presents, but because of all the decorations and lights and the warmth of the season.”  This Christmas, Springville Junior High celebrated the holidays by cutting paper, sprinkling glitter, measuring wrapping paper, stringing tinsel, and hanging lights to create their own beautiful Christmas doors. “The best part about it is that it brings the Christmas spirit. It’s just cool because it makes the school colorful,” said Sydney Heister, a ninth grader at SJHS. “I think Mrs. Rice’s is the best. It’s like a cave.” Sydney didn’t help with the doors this year, but she says it looks like fun.

Chloe Wilson, SJHS Staff Writer