Girls Get Fit at Springville Junior High

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

With all the illness in the world today, obesity is a common threat. But not for the girls at Springville Junior High. Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday girls have the opportunity to meet after school from 2:45-3:45 with their instructor Mrs. Claire Mills.

Mrs. Mills has been teaching for three years at Springville Junior High, not only teaching the girls work out club, but also the special education program at the school. Mrs. Mills said, “I think that we do need this program. It helps promote a healthy life style, it's fun and everyone makes new friends.” Even with the hectic schedule of students day-to-day lives, girls still have the opportunity to relieve their stress and have fun at the same time.

Julie Barbosa, SJHS Staff Writer

Service Learning makes blankets for Children Justice Center

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

 Service Learning is a class offered at SJHS that allows students to do service within and outside of the school. Once a semester students are required to do some sort of project that helps others. Kaity Hansen, Jehni McNeil, and Jessie Wimmer, all eighth graders, decided to make fleece blankets and donate them.
The girls tied about fourteen fleece blankets and donated them to The Dollhouse Boutique, where they were sold and one hundred percent of the profit was then donated to the Children’s Justice Center where children who have been abused can get the help they need.   

Morgan Bowser, SJHS Staff Writer

Teaching Newcomers An Old Language

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

For years, many families from Latin America have arrived to the U.S. searching for work, education, and freedom from oppression, poverty, and at times Communism in the case of Cuba. So many are not able to speak English, but at Springville Junior High School, English and English as a second Language teacher Mrs. Mary Rice wants to make a difference and help Hispanics learn English and not suffer in the American life.

Jose Martinez, SJHS Staff Writer

Service Learning Helps with Halloween Dance

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The Service Learning class is busy working on posters for the upcoming dance. The Halloween dance will be held on Thursday, October 29 at 7:00 p.m. The posters help make the dance more “colorful, make it sparkle and have the atmosphere,” said Liz White, a Sercive Learning student at SJHS. 

The students in Service Learning make posters for every dance. The requirements for a good poster are: “They have to be neat, you have to take pride in your poster, and the posters have to do with the subject,” said, Cami Sumsion, a Service Learning student.

Chelsea Ricks, SJHS Staff Writer

BMX Stunt Team Wows SJHS Students

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Friday October 23rd, students at Springville Junior High who sold one or more cookie dough tubs for this year's fund raiser got to go see the Stunt Team All Stars do some pretty cool tricks!

The reward for selling cookie dough was a BMX show, it was held in the south parking lot by the Nebo Credit Union. Mr. David Knudsen, one of SJHS’s vice principals, said, “They have performed here before, and it is a very entertaining show.” The performers do some pretty amazing things. Alyssa Nance, a ninth grader, said, “They jumped over the vice principal!!”

Sarah Jensen, SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Caras, Science Teacher at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School has a couple of science teachers. Among them is Mrs. Lori Caras, who teaches seventh and ninth grade students at the junior high. She’s taught at SJHS for ten years, and she taught at Woodenville High School in Seattle for four years.

Mrs. Caras decided to teach because her father was a professor and as she was growing up, Mrs. Caras saw how he loved teaching. She would also see him grading papers, but besides that, she said it looked like fun. She chose to teach science because she loves it.  She went on the explain, “Sometimes I think kids struggle, so I want to make it easier, and I want to make it fun.”

Kenia Martinez, SJHS Staff Writer

Cooking up Fun in Foods

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High many students enjoy the Foods class.  Mrs. Natalie Luke, the Foods class teacher, enjoys teaching this class full time throughout the year.  The point of foods class is so students can learn how to cook food and to make it nutritious.  The students also learn about the properties of food.  Austin Jensen, an eighth grader at SJHS, said, “We take notes, go outside, exercise, and learn about nutrition.”

The class has made many things so far this year.  They’ve made things like pizza, shortbread, scones and shakes called Orange Julius.

Spencer Duncan, SJHS Staff Writer

Photography Class in Action at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students at Springville Junior High have many different fine arts classes that are available to them. One of these classes is a photography class, in which students learn how to use a camera and take different pictures and digitally modify their pictures. According to Mr. Mitch Cudney, the photography teacher at Springville Junior High, any student who wishes to take this class needs to have patience and be willing to work hard.

“I chose to take this class because I thought it would be fun, and I like to learn how to use a camera,” Andi Dockstater, a photography student at Springville Junior High said.

Kara Dunn SJHS, Staff Writer